@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.98}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -q -ob publ-2013.bib --remove keywords -c 'year = 2013' /home/jantsch/Website/}}
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.98}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -q -oc /home/jantsch/Website/ -ob /home/jantsch/Website/ -c '(( author : "Jantsch" or ( editor : "Jantsch" and $type : "book" ))
and ( not ( $key : "presentation" ))
and ( not ( $type : "techreport" ))
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and ( not ( annotate : "not reviewed" )))
or $key = "hauer:2021a"
' /home/jantsch/text/papers/lit.bib}}
@comment{{Example entry for online references:
title = MS Windows NT Kernel Description,
howpublished = \url,
note = Accessed: 2010-09-30
title = Quine-McCluskey Algorithm,
author = Wikipedia ,
year = 2021,
howpublished =
note = Accessed: 2021-08-11
title = {Costs and Benefits of Flexibility in Spatial Division
Circuit Switched Networks-on-Chip },
author = {Ahsen Ejaz and Axel Jantsch},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on
Network on Chip Architecture},
year = {2013},
address = {Davis, CA},
month = {December},
key = {Nostrum},
url = {}
title = {Addressing Transient and Permanent Faults in {NoC}
With Efficient Fault-Tolerant Deflection Router},
author = {Chaochao Feng and Zhonghai Lu and Axel Jantsch and
Minxuan Zhang and Zuocheng Xing },
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration
Systems (TVLSI)},
year = {2013},
month = {June},
number = {6},
pages = {1053-1066},
volume = {21},
key = {Nostrum},
url = {}
title = {Mathematical Formalisms for Performance Evaluation
of Networks-on-Chip },
author = {Abbas Eslami Kiasari and Axel Jantsch and Zhonghai
journal = {ACM Computing Surveys},
year = {2013},
month = {June},
number = {3},
volume = {45},
key = {survey,Nostrum},
doi = {10.1145/2480741.2480755},
key = {Nostrum},
url = {}
title = {An Analytical Latency Model for Networks-on-Chip},
author = {Abbas Eslami Kiasari and Zhonghai Lu and Axel Jantsch},
journal = {Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE
Transactions on},
year = {2013},
month = {January},
number = {1},
pages = {113 -123},
volume = {21},
doi = {10.1109/TVLSI.2011.2178620},
issn = {1063-8210},
key = {Nostrum},
url = {}
title = {Analysis and evaluation of circuit switched {NoC}
and packet switch {NoC} },
author = {Shaoteng Liu and Axel Jantsch and Zhonghai Lu},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Euromicro Digital System Design
Conference },
year = {2013},
address = {Santander, Spain},
month = {September},
key = {Nostrum},
url = {}
title = {A Fair and Maximal Allocator for Single-Cycle On-Chip
Homogeneous Resource Allocation},
author = {Liu, S. and Jantsch, A. and Lu, Z.},
journal = {Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on},
year = {2013},
month = {October},
doi = {10.1109/TVLSI.2013.2284563},
issn = {1063-8210},
url = {}
title = {Scalability Analysis of Memory Consistency Models in
{NoC} based Distributed Shared Memory {SoCs} },
author = {Abdul Naeem and Axel Jantsch and Zhonghai Lu },
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems },
year = {2013},
month = {May},
number = {5},
volume = {32},
url = {}
title = {Methods for Fault Tolerance in Networks-on-Chip },
author = {Martin Radetzki and Chaochao Feng and Xueqian Zhao
and Axel Jantsch },
journal = {ACM Computing Surveys},
year = {2013},
month = jul,
number = {1},
pages = {8:1--8:38},
volume = {46},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
articleno = {8},
key = {survey,Nostrum},
doi = {10.1145/2522968.2522976},
file = {FTNoC-Survey.pdf:http\://},
issn = {0360-0300},
key = {Nostrum},
numpages = {38},
publisher = {ACM},
url = {}
title = {A Scalable Multi-Dimensional {NoC} Simulation Model
for Diverse Spatio-temporal Traffic Pattern },
author = {Awet Yemane Weldezion and Matt Grange and Dinesh
Pamunuwa and Axel Jantsch and Hannu Tenhunen },
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {3D} Systems Integration
Conference ({3DIC}) },
year = {2013},
address = {San Francisco, California, USA},
month = {October},
file = {AwetWeldizion-3DIC-poster.pdf:http\://},
key = {Nostrum},
url = {}
title = {Efficient Distributed Memory Management in a
Multi-Core {H.264} Decoder on {FPGA} },
author = {Jiajie Zhang and Zheng Yu and Zhiyi Yu and Kexin
Zhang and Zhonghai Lu and Axel Jantsch },
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on System
on Chip},
year = {2013},
address = {Tampere, Finland},
month = {October},
file = {JiajieZhang-SOCTampere-poster.pdf:http\://},
key = {Nostrum},
url = {}