@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.98}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -q -ob publ-security.bib --remove keywords -c 'key : "security"' /home/jantsch/Website/}}
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.98}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -q -oc /home/jantsch/Website/ -c '(( author : "Jantsch" or ( editor : "Jantsch" and $type : "book" ))
and ( not ( $key : "presentation" ))
and ( not ( $type : "techreport" ))
and ( not ( $type : "misc" ))
and ( not ( annotate : "not reviewed" )))
or $key = "hauer:2021a"
' /home/jantsch/text/papers/lit.bib}}
@comment{{Example entry for online references:
title = MS Windows NT Kernel Description,
howpublished = \url,
note = Accessed: 2010-09-30
title = Quine-McCluskey Algorithm,
author = Wikipedia ,
year = 2021,
howpublished =
note = Accessed: 2021-08-11
author = { Benedikt Tutzer and Christian Krieg and Clifford
Wolf and Axel Jantsch},
title = {Python Wraps {Yosys} for Rapid Open-Source {EDA}
Application Development},
booktitle = { DATE Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation for
year = 2019,
month = {March},
address = {Florence},
key = {security},
url = {BenediktTutzer-OSDA.pdf}
author = {Imran Hafeez Abbassi and Faiq Khalid and Semeen
Rehman and Awais Mehmood Kamboh and Axel Jantsch and
Siddharth Garg and Muhammad Shafique},
title = { {TrojanZero}: Switching Activity-Aware Design of
Undetectable Hardware Trojans with Zero Power and
Area Footprint},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Design and Test Europe Conference
year = 2019,
month = {March},
key = {security},
address = {Florence, Italy},
url = {}
title = {Malicious {LUT}: A Stealthy {FPGA} Trojan Injected
and Triggered by the Design Flow},
author = {Chrsitian Krieg and Clifford Wolf and Axel Jantsch},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on
Computer Aided Design (ICCAD)},
year = 2016,
key = {security},
address = {Austin, Texas},
month = {November},
note = { {\bf Best Paper Award} },
url = {}
title = {Toggle {MUX}: How {X}-Optimism Can Lead to Malicious
author = {Christian Krieg and Clifford Wolf and Axel Jantsch
and Tanja Zseby},
booktitle = {Proceedins of the Design Automation Conference
year = 2017,
key = {security},
address = {Austin, Texas, USA},
month = {June},
doi = {},
url = {}