J. Öberg, P. Ellervee, M. Mokhtari, and A. Jantsch.
Design of a 1 gips peak performance processor using gaas technology.
In Proceedings of the IEEE NORCHIP Conference, November 1994.
[ bib ]
J. Öberg, J. Isoaho, P. Ellervee, A. Jantsch, and A. Hemani.
Babbage - a rule based tool for synthesis of hardware systems.
In Proceedings of the IEEE NORCHIP Conference, November 1994.
[ bib ]
Peeter Ellervee, Johnny Öberg, Axel Jantsch, and Ahmed Hemani.
Neural network based estimator to explore the design space at system
In Procceedings of the Biennial Baltic Electronic Conference,
Tallin, October 1994.
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Jouni Isoaho and Axel Jantsch.
DSP development with full-speed prototyping based on HW-SW
codesign techniques.
In Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Field
programmable Logic and Applications, Prague, FPL'94, September 1994.
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Axel Jantsch and Jouni Isoaho.
A versatile design validation environment by means of software
execution, hardware simulation, and emulation.
In Proc. of the 36th SIMS Simulation Conference, pages 322 --
325. Scandinavian Simulation Society, August 1994.
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Peeter Ellervee, Axel Jantsch, Johnny Öberg, Ahmed Hemani, and Hannu
Exploring asic design space at system level with a neural network
In 7th Annual IEEE International ASIC Conference, ASIC'94,
[ bib ]
Axel Jantsch, Peeter Ellervee, Johnny Öberg, and Ahmed Hemani.
A case study on hardware/software partitioning.
In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing
Machines, Napa, CA, April 1994.
[ bib ]
Axel Jantsch, Peeter Ellervee, Johnny Öberg, Ahmed Hemani, and Hannu
A software oriented approach to hardware/software codesign.
In Proceedings of the Poster Session of CC'94, International
Conference on Compiler Construction, Edinburgh, April 1994.
[ bib ]
Axel Jantsch, Peeter Ellervee, Johnny Öberg, Ahmed Hemani, and Hannu
Hardware-software partitioning and minimizing memory interface
In Proceedings of EURO-DAC '94, Grenoble, France, September
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Axel Jantsch, Jouni Isoaho, and Johnny Öberg.
Hardware-software codesign for multirate DSP system development.
In Poster session of Third International Workshop on
Hardware-Software Codesign, Grenoble, September 1994.
[ bib ]